
Withdrawal Methods

How can I cash out my funds from the EOBroker platform? This is a question that is quite rightly asked by all users who have earned a good profit on EOBroker. That's why we have made the withdrawal process as simple and convenient as possible. In this article, we'll explain in detail how to withdraw funds on the EOBroker platform.


Let's clear up a common point: money can only be withdrawn from a real account; a demo account is a simulation for practice on the EOBroker platform. Initially, a generous $10,000 is provided for trading on the demo account.

So, you have a real account and you topped it up using a MasterCard card. Now you’ve earned a profit and want to withdraw your earnings. How can you do it?

It's pretty simple, just follow these steps: 

  1. Just open the EOBroker platform and tap on the left upper corner menu. 
  2. Then choose the Finances option.
  3. You’ll now see a Withdrawal option in the lower right corner of the window. 
  4. There you should enter all the data of the payment method you wish to use for withdrawal. 
  5. Once you’ve provided all the information in this field, press the “New request” button.
  6. That’s it, your money is on its way to your credit card or other payment method.

One more important thing:

In addition to the usual withdrawal methods such as credit cards, there are dozens of other withdrawal ways on EOBroker. But the first withdrawal is always available only (!) to the payment method you used for the deposit.

If you still have any questions about the withdrawal process check our tutorial video: 

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Payment and Withdrawal methods EO Broker
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